On the day we got an invitation from UiTM, its only give us 10 days to prepare all the materials and final output for our first exhibition, we have to sacrifice all the time and "lepak-lepak stuff" only to make it happen...yes, we did it on the last day of 9th april at 3 a.m. all the artwork is packed and completely put in my car.
Chap Ayam received an invitation from Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif & Artistik , Kampus Puncak Perdana, to do a mini exhibition for their "Hari Skrin" yesterday.Selected members were called to prepare for the invitation and they managed to stage a decent exhibition...and bring the "Chap Ayam Photographers" name up a notch.
OK!Here's some short write-up for the exhibition on that day:
Members Involved:
Rahman Roslan: Myanmar Refugee
Ted Adnan Asmadi: Commercial works
Jidin: Forgotten Faces
Zayd: Thaipusam
Ian Ahmad: Klang, Di Sebalik Wajah
Shamshahrin: Bajau Laut & some features
Torque: The Streets of Malaysia2.
Ian & Torque went shopping for the frames and whatchamacallit...to cut a long & tiring story short - everything was done and completed, ready in Ian's car to be sent to the location by 3am, the morning of the exhibition. By 1030am on the 9 April, everything single piece was on display.
The crowd came in a steady flow - surprisingly the first batch were the lecturers, professors of the faculty (Yeah...we felt like as if we were submitting our final group assignment for final semester!). They were impressed and actually did ask for prices of some of the works....and look forward to the 19th April exhibition ChAPs is going to stage. Students of the faculty were interested with the works on display and we had good conversations and interactions with some of them.
We thought we'd call it a day at 5pm but the organizer asked us to stay on and join the VIP for award giving ceremony & dinner, after which we had to pack all the stuff in and finally call it a day. In short, it was an interesting experience - for the first timers! - and to have our works displayed together with the best in Malaysia/ World.....is a massive reward already. Alhamdulillah.
Though we had to sacrifice hours (which may count up to days!) of sleep, it was worth it....KUDOS ChAPs!
text by Torque of Chaps and to see full report and photos of the exhibition please klik here --> http://chapayam.blogspot.com/
Me, photographically in mono by Kacuks while my artwork fill the background.

L-R: pian, angah, rahman roslan, kacuks, torque and syai...relaxing after canibalism the KFC
Kacuk, doing his best...interframe