IRONMAN Malaysia Langkawi 2008

Lotto Ironman Malaysia takes place on Langkawi, a popular island resort destination in Malaysia. It's tough not because of the course, which consists of a very warm swim, a rolling bike and a relatively flat run course. It's tough because it can get really hot, especially during the run. How hot? In 2001 temperatures that reached 43 degrees Celsius (which is very close to 110 degrees Fahrenheit for anyone who thinks in those terms).
The day begins with a two-loop swim in Kuah Bay which starts and finishes alongside a giant eagle statue that dominates the Jetty Point port area.
After the swim, cyclist will take the seaview road (penarak road) and at the traffic light you make right turn, and after the police station take left turn onto LISRAM Highway, you will go through two up and down hills of about 10% incline. Upon reaching the traffic light take a left turn until you reaches the main road, and at this traffic right make a right turn on the Padang Masirat road which is leading to the airport. The first aid station is located here and cyclist should keep left on this road. Upon reaching the second roundabout make a U-turn back on the same road and on the first traffic light on this road take a left turn onto this road which is leading to Padang Lalang roundabout (Ulu Melaka Road). Upon reaching Padang Lalang roundabout take the road leading to Tanjung Rhu and at 1.4KM from the roundabout make a U-turn back on the same road leading back to Padang Masirat road, and upon reaching the main road take a left turn onto the road leading back to kuah until you reach the traffic light before the Thai Resturant where you will make a U-turn back to airport. You have to make three loops on this road and on the final loop you will have to head back to kuah town and at the kuah town traffic light you have to make a left turn onto Ayer Hangat road and on the next traffic light you make a right turn onto Penarak road pass Seaview and finish the cycling at Dataran.
It is the run that makes the race in Langkawi so tough. The terrain isn't that challenging - it's the heat that the athletes face as they go through the marathon that makes things difficult. After the fourth loop is complete, they run one kilometer back to the jetty, and end the day at the beautiful finish line which is just meters short of the spectacular eagle statue, a welcome beacon at the end of what will no-doubt be a tough day of racing. Pics by Ian Ahmad/Malaysia.